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Women's Empowerment
Welcome (0:55)
Week 1: Building a Foundation
Goal Setting (1:30)
Week 2: Clarifying Goals
Visualization (2:41)
Week 3: Reconnecting: Chakras
Sounding from the Chakras (2:57)
Week 4: Reconnecting: Sexuality
Sounding from the Sacral (4:04)
Week 5: Re-evaluating Self Pleasure
Pleasure and Meditation (3:48)
Week 6: Deciphering Real Happiness
Favorite Things (2:10)
Week 7: Confronting Truths
Spending Quality Time Alone (2:23)
Week 8: Releasing Stuck Emotions
Somatic Movements (3:00)
Week 9: Connecting to Others
Heart Opening (2:38)
Week 10: Communicating Needs and Boundaries
Throat Opening (2:49)
Week 11: Meeting Unconscious Needs
The Inner Child (3:00)
Goal Setting
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